Hello, it has been awhile since I have visited and am apologetic for the neglect. Nothing new on this front just the average person trying to survive the world with the corruptness, by people of greed. The self serving people that we know has Politicians that were meant to be Leaders. If they are leading, I will not follow. ( Just saying )
We have only a few months left until our 3 of 4 children graduates and I can not tell you how I feel, besides a alien abduction with all the time loss I have encountered. I have empathy for all the parents, moms that work and working moms. I am most lucky to be the one that does both. ( and would love to go back in time and strangle the ones that put us here. ) I am a Real Estate Broker / Realtor® that has the fortune of being able to survive what greediness has done to our market place. Though, I truly need to say, " Now is a great time to buy" and " yes " you do need money this time. :-) I know that working , parenting and keeping a husband happy and household together is more than a full-time job. I have the mental stability, hair dye and wrinkles to prove it. I was watching another mother on TV talk about parenting yesterday on a Morning show and needed to laugh. The mother was , nun-other than Madonna . There she was in full make-up talking about the challenges of being a working mother, and single at that. Then she was talking about how disappointed she was that her oldest (15) was photographed smoking a cigarette. When shown a photo of herself smoking one she said, " That was an accessory" . Really, I thought that her brain was her only accessory. To all of real women out there...,"To Wanda" !
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